My question is- will it really get published in the newspaper(Anandabazar/Telegraph) if I give a matrimonial ad through this website?


releaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency which is accredited and recognized by the INS (Indian Newspaper Society) which is the primary governing body for all media publications. We are also the authorized ad booking agents of Anandabazar Patrika and The Telegraph. Therefore should you like to start booking your matrimonial ad, then you can visit the Anandabazar Patrika Matrimonial Ad Rates page and the Telegraph Matrimonial Ad Rates page. You can also find combined offers for these newspapers since they belong to the same opublication house.

Please ensure that your ad is booked at least 2-3 days in advance so that the ad is released on time. You can opt for our online or offline payment mediums as per your convenience. For any more queries you may email us at or

Related to: Anandabazar Patrika, Matrimonial, How to Book Post date: 31/07/2020 - 06:59PM