I wish to give Matrimonial ad in Hindi in Amar Ujala newspaper, should I compose the message in Hindi or you people can translate it to Hindi. Don’t you have Hindi samples online here? Please help asap. Thanks.


Though releaseMyAd.com is an online newspaper ads booking agency but we can also help you book ads in other languages including Hindi. To start the booking of your matrimonial advertisement in Amar Ujala, simply go to the Amar Ujala Matrimonial Ad Rates page. Here you can proceed to compose your ad by selecting the preferred location. 

In the Compose Ad section, you can start creating your ad by checking the “Select to Compose your Ad in Hindi” option. You can review Hindi sample adverts in the Matrimonial Sample Ads Page and you can also design and highlight your ad with the help of online ad enhancements. To complete the booking of your ad, you must specify the preferred release dates and then proceed to make the payment for the same though our online or offline payment mediums which include the following:

  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Net Banking
  • NEFT (Online Wire Transfer)
  • Cash Deposit
  • Cash Transfer
  • Cash Collection
  • Demand Draft
  • Cheque Deposits
Related to: Amar Ujala, Matrimonial, How to Book, Rate Post date: 31/07/2020 - 06:53PM