We want to publish one ad in the esteemed newspaper-The Times of India in Recruitment column for Chennai and Ahmedabad. Please let us know your agents phone no.


We are an online ad booking agency and we assist advertisers in getting their ads published in their preferred newspaper. You can book your ad directly through our website or you can email or contact us via phone as per the contact details provided in the contact page. You can take the help of our Online Ad Booking Tutorial to get assistance with the booking of your ad.

To review the ad rates and packages for a recruitment ad, you need to visit the Times of India Recruitment Ad Rates page. Wherein you’ll find all the rates edition wise and can proceed to compose your advert with the help of online ad samples. Also you need to confirm the dates for release and make the payment for the same to ensure that the ad is published on time. 

Recruitment Ad for Times of India
Rs.650 /5 lines Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Times of India, Recruitment, How to Book Post date: 17/09/2014 - 07:42PM