I want to publish a birthday message in Deccan Chronicles (Hyderabad).What are the charges and how should i pay ?Do you have online payment facility?


We are an online Ad booking agency.To view the rates for a birthday greeting please visit this link http://deccanchronicle.releasemyad.com/ and select your ad category as "ALL other categories " and subcategory as "personal" to view the rates.You can then proceed to book your ad online by following these steps :Select your location or a package ,compose your ad matter,move to date selection and then pay via online or offline mediums.

You can choose to clear your payments via:-

ONLINE: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net banking,

OFFLINE:Cheque, Cash Collection from Home  & NEFT/ Wire Transfer.

Related to: Deccan Chronicle, Personal, Rate Post date: 04/02/2013 - 02:47PM