We are a transport company seeking suitable candidate for our company and we want to place an Advt. in 'The Hindu'. Kindly let us have your Chennai office contact number so that we can contact them and proceed.


Please be informed that ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency. We book ads online that gets printed in the newspaper as per your requirements.

Should you like to book your recruitment advertisement in The Hindu, please click on the following link: http://hindu.releasemyad.com/rates/recruitment and you can review all the ad rates and discount packages available as per your requirement.

You can select the most suitable package and proceed towards the ‘Compose Ad’ page, where you can compose your ad with the help of our sample ads and enhancements like ticks, background colours, screen borders etc. You can also review your ad before publishing it with our Live Ad Preview Feature.

As soon as you are done with composing your ad, please make sure that you confirm the release dates and clear all your payments at least 2-3 days prior to the release date for a timely release of your ad.

You must also clear all your payments at the same time when you confirm the release dates. You can clear your payments via our online payment options that include Credit Cards/ Debit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Card), Net Banking or Offline mediums such as Cheque Deposit, Demand Drafts as well as Cash Collection from Home / Office - NEFT (Online Cash Transfer).

Related to: Hindu, Recruitment, Payment Options, Post date: 05/02/2013 - 04:57PM