How to check advertisement rates of Nav Gujarat Samay


You can check the advertising rates of Nav Gujarat Samay through our portal. releaseMyAd is the largest online ad booking agency that helps advertisers to book ads in various platforms. We offer various packages and discounts for booking ads in newspapers, radio, television and internet. You can also manually book ads in navgujarat samay to check the ad rates. To book the ad, follow the steps given below-

·         Select Classified Text, Classified Display or Display

·         Now choose your preferred category, edition and package

·         Compose your ad using the enhancements or you can upload your creative in case of classified Display or Display Ads

·         Now select the ad release date and proceed to make the payment online

For more information, call us at 09830629298 or write us at Our executives will get back to you within 24 hours.


Related to: Nav Gujarat SamayRate Post date: 18/01/2018 - 08:20AM