Where can I find Sample ads for placing a Education ad in Mirror for Pune or all Maharashtra editions


Thank you for contacting ReleaseMyAd, please be informed that we book newspaper advertisements online. We provide a simplified solution for your classified requirements. 

If you want to review the ad rates for booking an ad in Mirror under the Education section, please visit the following link: https://mirror.releasemyad.com/rates/education & choose Pune as your location. You can also opt for any of the discount or combo packages which covers all of Maharashtra.

When you choose a location or package, you are directed to the 'Compose Ad' page, wherein you can find Sample Ads along with our ad enhancers like ticks, screen borders, colour highlights etc. After the composition of the advert, please proceed to the selection of the release dates as well as clearing the payments. 

Related to: Mirror, Education, Sample Ad Post date: 23/06/2020 - 07:59PM