Would you please provide price quote for below Job ad requirement : Publication : The Hindu Section : Opportunities Size : 8 x 10 cm Color : 1)B&W , 2)Color Period : 2 Insertion


ReleaseMyAd is an onlien ad booking agency for newspapers across India which includes the likes of the Hindu. While placing an ad in the Hindu Opportuinities, please remember that since Opportinities is a Pullout it enables you to release only Display adverts.

Should you like to review the rates for display ads in The Hindu Opprotuinities, please visit the following link: http://hindu.releasemyad.com/display-ad/opportunities and select the ad size in order to get the exact ad rates.

You can either choose individual editions or simply choose a package as per your requirements. You can review the rates for Black and White or Coloured ads on the Compose Ad page after choosing the edition or package. You can review the insertion options on the Make Payment page while confirming the ad release dates.

Please complete the entire booking process at least 2-3 days prior to the release dates of the recruitment advert along with the clearance of the payment through our online or offline payment mediums.

Related to: Hindu, Recruitment, Rate Post date: 23/05/2013 - 07:20PM