Request to provide how many lines shall be required for the following advt: "I,Manish Rameshbhai Shah aged about 40 years and residing at D-***, N*** S*** S******R, PLOT ** & **, SECTOR **, *** BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI - 400*** have changed my name to Manish Rameshchandra Shah for all purpose vide affidavit dt:08062013 before notary Mr B V Singh" to be published in Maharashtra Times


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To book a Name Change Announcement in Maharashtra Times, please click on the link provided here: and choose the edition or location preferred by you. While creating your classified advert, please remeber to choose the sub-category as 'Change of Name' and you can check the number of lines with the help of our Live Ad Preview Feature. This feature enables you to preview what your ad looks like in the newspaper.

Classified Text ads are charged on the basis of line/words/charatcers, hence your ad will be charged accordingly. Please complete the booking of the advert at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release date.

Related to: Maharashtra Times, Announcement, How to Book Post date: 08/06/2013 - 02:14PM