Willing to give matrimonial in Lokmat for three days. Please inform about the rates of 20 words for three days and please help with some sample ads


ReleaseMyAd is an online ads booking agency for newspapers across India and we believe in simplifying your online ad booking process. In order to review Sample adverts for matrimonial, please visit the following page: http://matrimonial.releasemyad.com/sample-ads.php and compose your advert easily.

Should you like to book your matrimonial ad Lokmat, please take a look at the link provided here: https://lokmat.releasemyad.com/rates/matrimonial and select the location as per your preference to proceed to the Compose Ad section. You can compose your advert with the help of the sample ads and enhancements like ticks, screen borders, colour highlights etc. 

At the end, please make sure that the ad is booked at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release dates along with the intended release dates of the advert.

Related to: Lokmat, Matrimonial, Sample Ad, Rate Post date: 02/07/2020 - 07:26PM