I need to publish a Notice in connection with our application for NOC for our Legal Heir Certificate. Kindly advice the procedure for booking in Deccan Herald, Bangalore edition. Thanks and regards, Good day


ReleaseMyAd is an online ads booking agency and we book advertisements for newspapers across India. Both classified and display ads can be booked through our website for any national or regional newspaper. While placing a Notice ad,please know that your ad type shall be eithr Classified Display or Display ad, which are calculated on the basis of the ad in terms of length and breadth, charged on per sq. cm basis.

To start the booking of your Notice ad in the Bangalore Edition of Deccan Herald, please click on the following link: https://deccanherald.releasemyad.com/rates/public-notice  and select the ad type as Display Classified. You can select individual edition of Bangalore or you can also opt from among the combo packages. 

You can create your ad with the help of online design templates on our website or you can also upload your own advertisement. The date for the ad to be released and the payment for the same is to be cleared on the Make Payment page where the online and offline payment options are listed. The payment mediums include Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking, Cash Deposit, Cash Transfer, Cash Collection, Demand Draft or Cheque Deposits.

Please make sure that the ad booking is completed at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release of the advert in the newspaper of your choice.

Related to: Deccan Herald, Tenders, How to Book Post date: 09/03/2021 - 10:51AM