I need to book an ad in the medical column of Times Of India wednesday,"ayurved female doctor required for eye clinic" what will be my ad category.Please help


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ad booking agency.The ads so booked are printed in the newspaper selected by you.As per the matter sent by you your ad can be categorised under "services" To proceed to book your ad kindly click on this link http://timesofindia.releasemyad.com/ad_step1.php  and select "Services" as your category and proceed to select your edition(location) or packages.You will then be directed to the compose ad page where you can compose your advertisement and choose your sub category as "personal" followed by "medical services" and proceed to select date(s) of release followed by payment for the ad booking.


Related to: Times of India, Services, How to Book Post date: 19/08/2013 - 05:40PM