I want to know the price for a 4 line ad on page 3 of Times of India in black n white for ""sale of property""


Releasemyad is an online advertisement booking agency. We book advertisement which gets published in the newspaper. Please know that if you intend to publish your advertisement on a specific page such as Page 3 then it would be a display advertisement. The advertisement matter would be measured as per the size of the matter and not lines/words or characters.

Should you like to book a Classified Ad in the Property section of Times of India, please visit the following page: http://timesofindia.releasemyad.com/rates/property and choose the edition to proceed with the composition of your advert. Please ensure that the ad is booked at least 2-3 days in advance along with the clearance of the payment.

Related to: Times of India, Property, Rate Post date: 16/12/2013 - 07:56PM