Want to give a Name Change ad in Anandabazar Patrika


Please know that releaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency and we can help you book ads under different categories, in any English or regional newspaper. As per your requirement of booking a Name Change ad, please know that your ad will fall under the Announcement Category. The rates and packages for Anandabazar Patrika are available on the ABP Announcement Rates Page.

To start the booking of your Name Change ad, select the preferred package or edition and create your ad in the Compose Ad section. You can also design your ad with the help of our online ad enhancements and review the ad with our Live Ad Preview Feature. 

To complete the booking of your advertisement, please confirm the ad release dates and clear the payments through our online or offline payment mediums. Also make sure that you confirm the release of your ad at least 2-3 days in advance for a timely release of your ad.

Related to: Anandabazar Patrika, Announcement, Rate Post date: 06/02/2014 - 12:24PM