Need to give ad in Times of India published in Vadodara,Gujarat, for wife's name change


releaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency and you can publish ads in any newspaper in India. To know the process for booking the ad through us, please visit our Online Ad Booking Tutorial section. You can review and follow the entire process of booking a classified ad with this tutorial.

While booking a name change ad, please be aware that "Change of Name" is the sub-category and the main category is Announcements. Ideally you need to place your name change ad in two newspapers- preferably one English and the other regional. For Times of India, we do not have a Vadodara edition, so you can choose the Surat or Ahmedabad edition from the TOI Announcement Ad Rates page.  

For another local newspaper, you can try out booking your Announcement advertisement in Divya Bhaskar which has a Baroda edition along with other cities of Gujarat. You can even compose and publish your ad in Gujarati in this particular newspaper. As you choose the preferred edition you can create your ad in the Compose Ad section and choose the sub-category as Change of Name and then proceed to the Date selection and payment page. You can make your payment through our online or offline payment mediums as per your convenience. 

Announcement Ad for Times of India
Rs.600 /5 lines Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Times of India, Announcement, How to Book Post date: 28/03/2014 - 05:46PM