I want your person to come personally to collect the ad matter.


Please know that releaseMyAd.com is an online ad booking agency and we do not send any representatives to collect the ad matter from advertisers. We encourage a D-I-Y (Do It Yourself) online booking system for all newspapers with which we have tie-ups.

We also provide help and support via email, chat and phone. You can email us at question@releasemyad.com or call us on 0930629298. In case you opt for Cash Collection option only then a Cash Collection officer visits you with prior appointment and collects the cash from you for your ad. He also provides you with the final invoice confirming the booking of your advertisement.

Pleas ensure that you ad is booked at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release dates so that the ad is published on time. 

Related to: How to Book, Payment Options Post date: 03/06/2014 - 07:01PM