We want to publish a Recruitment advertisement in the local newspaper for the following states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Assam. Please suggest us the rates and the best newspapers.


Please know that you have to specify the cities for each state in order to book the ad. To book Recruitment ads, please visit the Newspaper Decider page of our website and select the relevant cities for the states that you have mentioned in your query. You can view the rates and additional packages upon specifying your selection. Apart from rates and discounts this page will also display the best newspapers to book your ad along with their circulation number. This will help you to compare the rates and circulation of the newspapers and hence select the best newspaper to book your ad in. For booking details and process, please follow the Online Slide Tutorial on How to Book an ad through our website.


Related to: Recruitment, How to Book Post date: 23/06/2014 - 01:36PM