Kindly, provide me information on the following details for print ad of an entrance exam: -circulation in all the different states -rate card for each & every state


 We are an online ad booking agency. We book ads online that gets printed in the newspaper. We are directly commissioned by the publication house.  The rates given on the website are direct from the rate card of every publication. To check the rates and the offers for any newspaper can be obtained from the following link : (Please select the Ad Category followed by the newspaper and then the location)

To book the ad instantly , click on the following link : and follow the steps :

Select your ad category

Step2: Select newspaper or pick a newspaper(s) based on target location

Step3: Specify individual edition/location or package*

(*packages allow you to release ads in multiple newspapers or locations at a discounted cost)

Step4: Compose ad ,select dates and clear payment via online and offline mediums .




Related to: Education, Rate Post date: 24/01/2013 - 10:33AM