Can you arrange someone who can meet me, I will give him/her the material of advertisement for Situation Wanted, he/she can get it designed and placed in the best newspaper of Bangalore/Karnataka


Please know that releaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency that enables customers from all over India and abroad book ads online in any Indian Newspaper at the lowest cost and no extra charges. We do not provide any special representative who would visit at your personal address to collect your ad.

If you wish to proceed with online booking, you can start with the Online Newspaper Decider Page wherein you can specify your category as Situation Wanted and your location as Bangalore. This will provide the relevant newspapers that are available in your choice of city along with the ad rates, circulation and discount packages. Select the newspaper of your choice from here and proceed to compose your ad in the next step which the compose ad step. Once your ad has been composed, proceed to make your date(s) selection for the ad to be published and your payment via the various online and offline payment options.


Related to: Situation Wanted, How to Book Post date: 02/08/2014 - 05:13PM