I am a student studying in central govt. institute in Bangalore and my permanent residence is in Punjab. Passport office document says that I should publish my ad in one local newspaper and one at the place of permanent residence. I am confused about the address in both the ads. Shall I give my local address in Bangalore ad and permanent address in Punjab ad?


Please be informed that we are online ad booking agency. You can book your newspaper ads through our online portal. If you need help with Change of Address ads then we can assist you with the same. Please keep in mind that change of address ads are categorized under Announcements.

We can also assist you with choosing the preferred newspapers with the help of our online newspaper decider tool. You can check out the list of newspapers in Bangalore for Change of Address ads and also the list for Change of Address ads in Punjab. Once you have reviewed the list along with the circulation details, choose the preferred newspaper and then proceed to compose your ad. If you need help with the ad matter then you can take a look at the Change of Address Sample Ads.

In case of any other assistance required in getting your ad booked and published, please email us at book@releasemyad.com or questions@releasemyad.com.

Related to: Announcement, How to Book, Sample Ad Post date: 30/08/2014 - 04:00PM