I am Indian but I live in South America. I would like to put an ad for name change in the paper. My question is how would I see the ad and get a copy of it here in South America. Is there a way to view my ad online?


ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency. We book ads online only for National Newspapers in India. As we do not provide the hard copies of newspapers to our customers, you can check your ad online through epaper (if available for the newspaper you select)

Please Note: As per company policy and legal guidelines, for the following case we require:

Change of Name- Notarized Affidavit (any)

You can forward these documents to us via email / fax/ post.

If you wish to book the ad, you can visit the following link: http://www.releasemyad.com/online/announcement and choose any newspaper and review the rates and discount offers.

You can go onto composing your ad as soon as you choose a package or individual newspaper ad rate.

Related to: Announcement, Post date: 28/01/2013 - 05:50PM