I want to put an ad in any of the newspaper daily regarding the loss of my certificates. Please help.


ReleaseMyAd is an online classified ad booking agency. We book ads online which get printed in Indian national and regional newspapers.

We can help you book a ‘Lost and Found’ ad in one of the leading newspapers which has maximum circulation in your preferred area.

Please visit the following link: http://www.releasemyad.com/online/announcement and review all the rates and offers associated with different newspapers. Choose any newspaper and you can review in which locations, the selected newspaper is circulated. You can choose the newspaper as per its circulation and go on to composing your ad with help of our sample ads. You can magnify your ad by using ad enhancers like background colour, screen borders etc.

On the ‘Compose Ad’ page, please select your sub-category as ‘Lost & Found’, so that your ad receives appropriate response.

Please book the ad at least 2-3 days prior to the release date and also clear the payments at the same time for a timely release of your advert.

Related to: Announcement, How to Book, Rate, Post date: 01/02/2013 - 11:15AM