I have changed my name so how do I book my ad in a local and an English newspaper


ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency. We can book newspaper ads online only for National Newspapers in India. As we do not provide the hard copies of newspapers, you can check your ad online through epaper (if available for the newspaper you select).

You can decide upon the newspaper by clicking on the following link: http://www.releasemyad.com/ad-booking.php

You can check the rates from the following link: http://www.releasemyad.com/rates_offer.php. On this page, just select the category as Announcement followed by Preferred Newspaper and Preferred Location.

Please Note: As per company policy and legal guidelines, for the following case we require a Notarized Affidavit (any) as a legal proof of change of name.

You can forward these documents to us via email / fax/ post.

We have the following modes of payments for international clients:

Online Payment

- Credit Cards/ Debit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Card) 

- Net Banking

- Pay Pal

 For International Customers facing issues in making payments via Bank Transfer, we have an alternate Bank Account in Chase Bank, America.

Related to: Change of Name, How to Book Post date: 29/10/2018 - 08:40AM