Can you narrate the steps to book Deshabhimani newspaper advertisement


We have very easy and direct steps of booking ads. Now, in order to book Deshabhimani newspaper advertisement with us, firstly visit our website and select the newspaper then follow the below given steps -

Select your required ad type between Classified Text, Classified Display or Display
Select your suitable ad category
Now select your preferred edition, and package
Proceed to compose ad using enhancements or you can upload your own designed matter in case of classified Display or Display Ads
Select a suitable sub-category, relevant to your ad content
Finally, select release dates, choose preferable offers and make payment.

In case of further query, call us at 09830629298 or write us at Our executives will get back to you within 24 hours.

Related to: DeshabhimaniHow to Book Post date: 04/06/2018 - 05:20AM