What is the best ad booking agency for Sakal newspaper


releaseMyAd is the authorized ad agency of Sakal. It is India’s largest and simplest online ad booking service providers! Through ReleaseMyAd you can book Sakal Classified Display, Text Classified and Display ads without any extra charges. RMA is a trusted and authorized site for booking advertisements with an experience of 30 years in the field of Newspaper advertising. We have been accredited by the Indian Newspaper Society (I.N.S)- the primary governing council for all media publications.ReleaseMyAd provides you an integrated platform to check ad rates, circulation details, discount offers and book your classified and display ads online for Sakal instantly. Since Sakal is published in Marathi. You can choose to compose your advertisement both in English or Marathi as per your convenience. Should you want the complimentary language translation service for your classified ad, kindly specify the same during the booking process.

For further assistance, you can contact us via 09830629298 or you can email us at booK@releasemyad.com.

Related to: SakalHow to Book Post date: 25/02/2019 - 11:04AM