What is the rate of booking change of name Ad in Statesman?


releasemyad always provides you the minimum rate to publish any ad. Our rates are very affordable. In Statesman change of name ad can be booked in two formats. These are: Classified Text and Classified display. Rate is variable with your ad format.

Rate is comparatively higher if you want to publish ads in  classified display format .
Rate also depends upon your choice of location. Rate is different for each location.

You can book change of name ad by clicking https://statesman.releasemyad.com/rates/change-of-name
For further information, you can call us at 09830629298 or write us at book@releasemyad.com.

Related to: Statesman, Change of Name, How to Book, Rate Post date: 22/04/2020 - 10:57AM