What are the advertising rates for Purvanchal Prahari newspaper?


For booking ad rates in Purvanchal Prahari newspaper, you can choose from three broad ad types on releaseMyAd’s platform, namely classified text ads, classified display ads and display ads. Classified text ads are simple text ads without any additional formatting. These ads have the lowest cost, and are charged according to the number of lines or the number of words. Classified display ads are similar to classified text ads, but they have richer formatting and can include images. These ads are costlier, and are charged according to the space occupied by the ad. Display ads are the most extravagant type of ad you can book. Just as the name implies, these ads focus primarily on visuals, and unlike classified text and classified display ads, which only appear in the classifieds section, display ads can be booked on any page. Needless to say, these ads have the highest prices. The actual ad rates will also vary depending on the day of the week as well as the page on which the ad is placed, and most importantly, the size of the ad itself. For more information about actual rates for different types of ads you can book in Purvanchal Prahari, we do recommend that you have a look at the Purvanchal Prahari page on our website at http://purvanchalprahari.releasemyad.com/

Related to: Purvanchal PrahariHow to Book, Rate Post date: 30/11/2023 - 07:17AM