I am interested in advertising my own Bureau for Maheshwari Matrimonial Community for all the editions of Rajasthan Patrika. What should be the ad category and is there any requirement for documentation


ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency and we book ads for various newspapers across India through our online portal. As per your requirement, your ad should be placed under the Marriage Bureau category.

Should you like to book advertise your Maheshwari Matrimonial Community in the Marriage Bureau section of Rajasthan Patrika, please review the rates and offers for the same on the following page: http://rajasthanpatrika.releasemyad.com/rates/marriage-bureau. You can choose the packages available for all the editions applicable across all of Rajasthan or you may also select individual editions.

There is no documentation required for Marriage Bureau advertising at releaseMyAd. Just ensure that the release dates are confirmed at least 2-3 days before the ad is due to be released which in turn ensures a timely release of your advertisement.


Marriage Bureau Ad for Rajasthan Patrika
Rs.222 /20 words Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Rajasthan Patrika, Marriage Bureau, Documentation Post date: 06/05/2013 - 07:59PM