I want to place a matrimonial ad in Aj for all the editions nationally and need to know the charges for the same


ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency. We book ads online for various newspapers across India.

To know the rates to place matrimonial advert in Aj for all the editions, please visit the following page: http://aj.releasemyad.com/rates/matrimonial. You ca choose all the editions individually or you can also choose a package preferred by you and applicable on all editions of Aj.

Please make sure that the ad is composed, the dates are confirmed and the payment is cleared at least 2-3 days before the due release date. You can make your payment for the ad via our online or offline payment mediums as per your convenience.

Related to: Aaj, Matrimonial, Rate Post date: 08/05/2013 - 07:43PM