I need some help. Hopefully, someone that will read this comment will pitch in the info I need. I need to hire some journalists for a newspaper I'm planning to start.It's a small paper, and financially I'm not in very good position.Probably, what I need is a retired journalist, or some students because, the work I need would be just part time.So,could anybody be so kind and direct me toward a publication (forum, pool of students of journalism, etc.) where I could reach a great number of students? Your help would be greatly appreciated.L.G.


We are an online ad booking agency. We book ads online that gets printed in the newspaper. We are directly commissioned by the publication house.  The rates given on the website are direct from the rate card of every publication.  

To check the rates and the offers for any newspaper can be obtained from the following link : http://www.releasemyad.com/rates_offer.php (Please select the Ad Category followed by Location). You can also book a recruitment advert through http://recruitment.releasemyad.com/ by selecting the Newspaper of your choice from among the Newspaper Icons.

We would be glad to help you should you require any assistance. Should you have any questions, mail us to questions@releasemyad.com or call us at +91 9554332211.

Related to: Recruitment, How to Book Post date: 08/06/2013 - 01:55PM