Kindly give me the quotation for a display advertisement in the Northern region in Times of India.Dimensions: 18 cms width * 12 cms length. Also let me know if we have any consolidated rate chart for 2-3 states together.Thanks & Regards,Anushka Padhye Asst. Relationship Manager-91*****01 B** E****** Ltd M*****r H**** Cross Road Andheri Mumbai - 4*****3 022-3******7


Please know that releaseMyAd is an online Newspaper Ads Booking agency and we enable you to book your adverts through us in any newspaper across India in just 3 simple steps.

In order to know about the rates and offer packages available under Business Display ads for Times of India, please visit the Times of India Display Ad Rates page and select the main edition. Please specify the ad size as 18 cm X 12 cm in order to get the exact price for your advert in the locations preferred by you. 

You can either compose or simply upload your own ad design as per your preference on the Compose Ad page and get it ready to be published by confirming the ad release dates and clearing the payment through our Online or Offline Payment Options on the Make Payment page.

Business Ad for Times of India
Rs.210 /sqcm Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Times of India, Business, Rate Post date: 14/02/2014 - 05:22PM