Sir, I want to give ad in times of india for name change I, from Madhuri Patel W/o Manoj Gujar to Madhuri Patel (Gujar) after marriage with Manoj Gujar on 20.04.2007

We are an online ad booking agency and we book ads online through our website which gets published in the newspapers. Regarding the publishing date , the system will allow you to select the earliest possible date from the calender. 

 We do not send physical copies to our customers. As we do not provide the physical copies of newspapers, hence you need to contact your local vendor / family member or friends to collect the hard copy for the concerned date.

To check the rates for any newspaper can be obtained from the following link :

(Select "Classified Text Ad" in "Select Type" , "Announcement" in "Select Category" , "Preferred Newspaper" in "Select Newspaper" and "Preferred Location" in "Select Edition")

To book the ad instantly, please click on the following link :
Please follow the steps outlined below:
1. On ad step 1 page, choose the Category (Announcement) , select the newspaper and the editions/ packages. 
2. Click the "Proceed To Compose Newspaper Advertisement" button at the bottom of the page which takes you to the "Compose Ad" page.
3. On the 'Compose ad' page, enter the Ad Text. Select the Sub Category  (Change Of Name) : . Enter your contact number. Click the ‘Select Dates’ button at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the ‘Dates & Payment’ page.
You will get the sample ads on our website while you are booking your ad in ad step 2. "" . You will find the sample ads just below the "Compose Ad" box. 
4. On the ‘Dates & Payment’ page, select the number of insertions and release dates. Click on the ‘Preview booking’ button to preview your booking details. Select the Payment method and click on the ‘Payment’ button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the payment gateway.

Please note, as per company policy and legal guidelines, for the following case we require:.

Change of Name : Notarized Affidavit
Your ad cannot be released unless we receive the required documentation mentioned above by fax/email (as attachment) atleast 2-3 days prior to publishing date.
You can forward these documents to us via email / fax. The details of each are as under : -
Email : , subject : Ad ID 107xxxx documentation


 We would be glad to help you should you require any assistance. For any questions/suggestions, or call us at +919554332211 or click the 'Live Chat' button on the top-right corner  of our website.

Related to: Times of India, Announcement Post date: 04/12/2013 - 03:02PM