I wanted to give an ad in Udayavani news paper in matrimonial page. Which office I have to contact? I am staying near Uttarahalli? Where is the nearest office? What is the charge?


We are an online newspaper ads booking agency and we can only assist you in booking the advertisement through our website in your preferred newspaper. Should you like to book your ad in Udayavani online, which is to be published in the matrimonial section, through releaseMyAd, then please visit the following link: http://udayavani.releasemyad.com/rates/matrimonial and please choose your edition as Bangalore (in this case) to proceed with your booking.

Then you can create and design your own advertisement in the Compose Ad page and then proceed to confirm the ad release dates and make the payment for your ad. We have both online and offline payment mediums and you can choose from them as per your preference. The options include:

Online Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Net Banking
  • NEFT (Online Wire Transfer)

Offline Methods:

  • Cash Deposit
  • Cash Transfer
  • Cash Collection
  • Demand Draft
  • Cheque Deposits

Matrimonial Ad for Udayavani Bangalore
Rs.330 /10 words Book Now

Udayavani - (All Editions) Rs. 550/10 Words
Locations - Bangalore, Hubli, Manipal, Mumbai
Related to: Udayavani, Matrimonial, Rate Post date: 16/01/2014 - 07:08PM