Bengali Newspaper


Why Advertise? FAQ

Property advertisement is a requisite part of the real estate sector as one has to advertise to make people sentient about the various properties which they can acquire, sell or hire on lease .The competition is fierce and thus one has to advertise to cast a wider net for their buyers/sellers. There is a direct relationship between your property and the kind of your advertisement you choose to publicize your property ad in .Newspapers can be the best way to assist the real estate sector as they have an extensive reach . As you start the process of selling your home, you’ll want to advertise in a leading newspaper that is able to utilise as many of the options as available.

Well it is said that the sky is the limit when it comes to property advertising so why not we utilize the newspapers at least to advertise our property ads .In addition to it advertisement should be fairly designed with proper information so that it serves the purpose i.e. proper detailing should be made to get effective results .

At releasemyad we offer some of the best deals to advertise your property ads .It is one of the largest ad selling agency serving over 1.5 lakh customers. So scurry up to book your ad today in the leading newspapers via releasemyad.

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Why Advertise

Newspaper FAQ

Tips on getting a Property Ad:

  • Make your headline prominent enough to roll the eyeballs of the target audience.
  • Always be careful to describe the key features of the property for instance number of bedrooms, square footage, garage etc.
  • End the Ad with a Call to Immediate Action. Make sure you let them know of any incentives or offers they can qualify for in the ad if they call before a certain date
  • Never profile the buyer not centre the ad directly at a particular group of people.
  • Include information regarding the price of the home. Ads without prices often mislead home buyers.
  • Don’t forget to include contact information to make it easy for potential buyers to get in touch with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Hello. I am a real estate developer and would like to advertise some of the properties in and around Chandigarh that are currently available for purchase or rent. I would like to book a display ad in The Indian Express and I would like to know more about The Indian Express display ad cost. Please help me.

Q. I want to sell my apartment and publish an ad Property Plus pullout of Hindu in Chennai. Can you please help me with the details and the cost.

Q. Please assist me in placing an 8 cm x 12 cm property ad in the Property Plus supplement of Hindu, Coimbatore edition. What will be the cost?

Q. I would like to advertise my property ad in the HT Estates page, Delhi location. Please share the best rates and how to go about it

Q. I am interested in placing a display ad in HT Estates supplement in Hindustan Times. I am based in Mumbai. Please let me know the cost