Punjab Kesari - Tenders, Uttarakhand. ( Circulation: 42782 copies )

Your Ad

Provide specifications below to view best rate.

Ad Size:
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
W: x Ht:
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Want Innovation Options?

Jacket Full Page (33cm x 52cm)
Jacket Full Page
33cm x 52cm
These display ads are placed on the Front Page of the newspaper on both the sides. They are available in the dimensions of 33 cm X 48cm

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Half jackets (16.5cm x 52cm)
Half jackets
16.5cm x 52cm
These display ads appear on half of the front page in a newspaper. Half-Jacket ads are available in 16.5 cm X 52 cm dimensions.

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Book Mark (3cm x 52cm)
Book Mark
3cm x 52cm
Bookmark ads peek out of the newspapers just like a normal bookmark marking the page where your ad has appeared. You can choose to book a full/half-page ad in this case.

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Pointers (4cm x 5 cm)
4cm x 5 cm
Pointer ad appears on the left-most column of the main page. This small ad appears in 4 cm X 5 cm size.

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SkyBus (33cm X 5cm)
33cm X 5cm
These ads materialize under the masthead of the newspaper in the main page and are 33 cm in length and 5cm in width

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Advertorial (Any Size)
Any Size
Publish an article about your product / service - to be placed alongside regular editorial content. You get to choose your headline, text & visuals.

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Uttarakhand Edition covers the following areas:

  • Uttarakhand

Booking Essentials: Here's all you need to know


Punjab Kesari is available on All Days, every week.


Book your Ad in Punjab Kesari atleast 3 days prior to the release date.


Ensure you submit your Ad creative in TIFF , PDF or PSD format.


Your creative has to be sent a minimum of 3 days before the date of release.


Once the Ad is confirmed for release, you will receive a notification and you can check your ad physically or via e-paper on the scheduled date.


Once your Ad is released a soft copy would be shared with you within 3 days of release.


The reason we advice you to opt for an agency is that an Ad agency has a stronger negotiation power cause of the bulk transactions it executes in comparison to an individual.


If you directly first enquire with us we can ensure you of a discount of 30-70%.With our historic pricing data and experience we negotiate the best deals for you.

It is quite evident that display advertisement creates maximum impact, especially when it involves political/election scenarios. In general, political advertisements are inclusive of political party/candidate, government policies or any issues of public interest. Punjab Kesari Uttarakhand edition is often considered to be the best platform for publishing political display ads related to local party/law issues mainly because:

  1. Punjab Kesari has a large number of readers in Uttarakhand. Hence, the more readers there are, the more popularity the advertisement gains.
  2. It has built a strong lineage with its readers by consistently delivering quality content about various topics.
  3. Publishing display ads in Punjab Kesari has proved to be very pocket-friendly for most advertisers.
  4. Display ads in Punjab Kesari are published as per your specifications – size (full page, quarter page), page (front page, back page) or other innovative options (jacket, skybus, etc.). Creative display ads, for example, the one in the front page would attract maximum attention.

releaseMyAd is a registered booking agent for Punjab Kesari Uttarakhand edition. We offer special discounts on online ad bookings. For more details, you can call us on 09830629298 or email us at book@releasemyad.com.