Hello! I want to book a classified Recruitment ad in Amar Ujala in the west UP region. Please help me with the booking


To start with the booking, please visit the Amar Ujala Recruitment Ad Rates Page. This page will provide you with the rates for all the editions of Amar Ujala individually as well as the discount packages that are available. You can choose any city/district that falls under the western parts of Uttar Pradesh or any other nearby region.

Meerut, Agra, Ghaziabad, Aligarh etc. are the cities which cover the western parts of Uttar Pradesh. You can directly visit the Amar Ujala Meerut Ad Rates or the Amar Ujala Aligarh Ad Rates to view the rates for the regions individually.

To gain a wider understanding of the booking process, please visit the Online Tutorial Guide and book your ad instantly through our website without any difficulties.

The different payment options through which you can make your payment include both offline and online services. Online, payment can be made through the Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking or Wire Transfer. For offline, you can make the payment through the Cash/Cheque Deposit, Cash Transfer or by the Cash Collection scheme.


Related to: Amar Ujala, Recruitment, How to Book Post date: 04/07/2014 - 06:51PM