I would like to check the cost of doing a Half Page, Full Colour advertisement in Jugantor on Pg 7. And I will be doing 2 insertions for the year, please advice if there is any discount for 2 insertions and also any agency commission on this.


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper classified ad booking agency and we do not have any commission charges corresponding to the newspaper ad bookings.

Should you like to book a display ad in Jugantor, please visit the following link: http://jugantor.releasemyad.com/display-ad.php and choose the ‘Half Size Ad’ to review the exact ad rates. You can also review the exact rate if you mention the measurements of the ad.

To review insertion ad offers, please click on the following link: http://www.releasemyad.com, choose your category and ad type to proceed to the newspaper selection page.

We are currently booking only display ads for Jugantor and do not have any insertion offers for the same at present. Hence please choose a suitable alternative newspaper, while booking your ad as per your preferences. You can view all the insertion offers when you confirm your release dates.

Related to: Rate Post date: 25/01/2013 - 03:02PM