I want to place a classified marriage bureau advertisement in Divya Bhaskar or Gujarat Samachar in several locations, please help me with the rates for the same and discount packages, if any


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ad booking agency and the rates available on our webpage are the rates provided to us by the publishing houses. Also please know that there is no commission charged by us while booking the advert.

As per your requirement to advertise your Marriage Bureau in Divya Bhaskar, please visit the following link: http://divyabhaskar.releasemyad.com/rates/marriage-bureau and select the edition or package as per your preference to continue with the booking procedure.

For the ad rates of Gujarat Samachar, please click on the linke here: http://gujaratsamachar.releasemyad.com/rates/marriage-bureau and follow the same process mentioned above. To create the ad you can make use of the sample ads and ad enhancers on the Compose Ad page. In order to clear the payments, you can make use of the online or offline payment mediums on the Make Payment page and also confirm the ad release dates for a timely release of the advertisement.

Marriage Bureau Ad for Divya Bhaskar
Rs.1900 /10 words Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Divya Bhaskar, Marriage Bureau, Rate, Discount Rate Post date: 24/05/2013 - 05:48PM