Like to put a display ad for the sale of restaurant in Melbourne, Australia. Please guide us how to put Ad under which heading and if any package for multiple cities issues. We are looking for atleast 10 cities. thnx


Please know that releaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency and we help you book ads in Newspapers across India from anywhere in the world. We will not be able to help you book ads in newspapers for Melbourne, Australia, unless you intend to publish the advert in an Indian Newspaper. If you need any help with booking your ad in an Indian Newspaper, please visit the following page: wherein you can review the rates for all newspapers including English, Hindi and regional. 

To know How to Book an ad online through, you can take the help of our Online Ad Booking Tutorial You may also review the newspapers available for you to publish your Property Sale ad in our Newspaper Decider Pageall you have to do is to choose the location as per your requirement.

Also know that you must book your ad and process the payment for the same at least 3-4 days in advance to ensure a timely release of the ad. You can even pay online from Australi itself through our online payment options which include the following options:

You can make your payment for the advertisement through our online payment mediums which include Debit/Credit Card, Wire Transfer (NEFT) and also Paypal.

If you are not able to make the payment through your card, you can make Wire Transfer (Bank Transfer) to our US Account in Chase Bank. The cost can be calculated in Dollars and the details can be mailed to the customer. You can either make online transfer or deposit a cheque in the Chase Bank.  If the customer books the ad costing more than Rs. 2000 (INR), $15 will be charged extra as bank charges.
Bank Details (Chase Bank) :

Account Holder Name: Sharad Lunia
Bank Name & Address: JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. ,Park Avenue,New York, NY 10017
Bank Number / ABA#/ Routing Number: 021000021
Account Number: 151113598665

We also offer payment through PAYPAL . We can send the details if the customer is willing to make the payment through Paypal.


Related to: Property, Payment Options Post date: 09/01/2014 - 01:05PM